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1.Chuan Luo,Shaowei Cai,Wei Wu,Zhong Jie,Kaile Su.CCLS:An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability.IEEE Transactions on Computers.2014

2.Jun Gao,Jiashuai Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Tengjiao Wang:Shortest Path Computing in Relational DBMSs.IEEE Trans.Knowl.Data Eng.(TKDE)26(4):997-1011(2014)

3.Hongzhi Yin,Bin Cui,Yizhou Sun,Zhiting Hu,and Ling Chen,LCARS:A Spatial Item Recommender System,ACM Transactions on Information Systems,2014

4.Shaowei Cai,Chuan Luo,John Thornton,Kaile Su,Tailoring Local Search for Partial MaxSAT,AAAI14,2014

5.Chuan Luo,Shaowei Cai,Wei Wu,Kaile Su:Double Configuration Checking in Stochastic Local Search for Satsfiability.AAAI14 2014

6.Zhiting Hu,Junjie Yao,and Bin Cui,User Goup Orented Temporal Dynamics Exploration,The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2014

7.Jun Gap,Jiashuai Zhou,Chang Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Glog:Ahigh level graph analysis system using MapReduce.ICDE 2014:544-555

8.Jun Gao,Chang Zhou,Jiashuai Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Continuous pattern detection over billion-edge graph using distributed framework.ICDE2014:556-567

9.Jie Zhang,Junjie Chen,Dan Hao,YingfeiXiong,Bing Xie,Lu Zhang,Hong Mei,Search-Based Inference of Polynomial Metamorphic Relations,the 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(ASE2014)

10. Xiaogang Shi,Bin Cui,Gillian Dobbie,and Beng Chin Ooi,Towards Unified Ad-Hoc Data Processing, ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014

11.Hongzhi Yin,Bin Cui,Ling Chen,Zhiting Hu,and Zi Huang,A Temporal Context-Aware Model for User Behavior Modeling in Social Media Systems,ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014

12.Yinxia Shao,Lei Chen,and Bin Cui Efficient Cohesive Subgraph Detection in Parallel ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014

13.Yinxia Shao,Bin Cui,Lin Ma,Junjie Yao,and Ning Xu,Parallel Subgraph Listing in a Large-Scale Graph,ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014

14.Haoyu Wang,Mengxin Liu,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen,Similarity-based Wed Browser Optimization,The 23rd International World Wide Web Conference(WWW2014),Seoul,Korea,April 2014,pp575-584.22.

15.Dan Hao,Lingming Zhang,Lu Zhang,Gregg Rothermel,Hong Mei,A Unified Test-Case Prioritization Approach,ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,November,2014

16.Xiaoyin Wang,Yingnong Dang,Lu Zhang,Dongmei Zhang,Erica Lan,and Hong Mei,"Predicting Consistency-Maintenance Requirement of Code Clones at Copy-and-Paste Time",IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,Vol.40,No.8,August 2014,pp.773-794.


1.Chuan Luo,Shaowei Cai,Wei Wu,Zhong Jie,Kaili Su.CCLS:An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Weighted Maximum Satisfiability.IEEE Transactions on Computers.2014

2.Chuan Luo,Kaile Su,Shaowei Cai.More Efficient Two-mode Stochastic Local Search for Random 3-Satisfiability.Applied Intelligence,2014

3.Chanjuan Liu,Enqiang Zhu,Fenrong Liu,KaiIe Su,Preference dynamics in games with short sight.Applied Mathematics and Computation,2014.

4.Jun Gao,Jiashuai Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Tengjiao Wang:Shortest Path Computing in Relational DBMSs.IEEE Trans.Knowl.Data Eng.(TKDE)26(4):997-1011(2014).

5.Dan Hao,Hong Mei,Recent Prgress in Software Testing,Debugging and Analysis:A Survey,Intereational Journal of Software Informatics,2014.

6.Tao Xie,Lu zhang,Xusheng Xiao,YingfeiXiong,Dan Hao,Cooperative Software Testing and Analysis:Advances and Challenges,Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vo1.29,No.4,July 2014,pp.713-723.

7.Hongzhi Yin,Bin Cui,Yizhou Sun,Zhiting Hu,and Ling Chen,LCARS:A Spatial Item Recommender System,ACM Transactions on Information Systems,2014.

8.YanfeiLv,Bin Cui,Xuexuan Chen,and Jing Li,HAT:An Efficient Buffer Management Method for Flash-based Hybrid Storage Systems,Frontier of Computer Science,2014.

9.Shaowei Cai,Chuan Luo,Kaile Su,Scoring Functions Based on Second Level Score for k-SAT with Long Clauses,Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research,51(2014),pp413-441.

10.Yongzhi Cao,Reducing interval-valued decision trees to conventional ones:Comments on decision trees with single and multiple interval-valued objectives,Decision Analysis,11(2014),pp204-212.

11.Haiyu Pan,Yongzhi Cao,Min Zhang,Yixiang Chen,Simulation for lattice-valued doubly labeled transition systems,International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,55(2014),pp797-811.

12.TianLiu,Chaoyi Wang,Ke Xu,Large hypertree for sparse random hypergraphs,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.DOI:10.1007/s10878-013-9704-y.

13.Tian Liu,Min Lu,Zhao Lu,Ke Xu,Circular convex bipartite graphs:Feedback sets,Theoretical Commputer Science.55(2014)55-62.

14.Bo Wei,Zhi Jin,DidarZowghi and Bin Yin,Quality requirements driven implementation decision making for Internetware driven by quality requirements,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,57(7):1-19,2014.

15.Chun Liu,ue Wang,Wei Zhang,Zhi Jin,Eliciting Dependability Requirements:A Control Cases Based Appraoch,SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences57(1):1-15,2014.

16.Xuanzhe liu,Gang Huang,Qi Zhao, Hong Mei,M.Brian Blake:iMashup:a mashup-based framework for service composition.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences57(1):1-20.

17.Bo Wang,Yingfei Xiong,Zhenjiang Hu,Haiyan Zhao,Wei Zhang,Hong Mei:Interactive Inconsistency Fixing in Feature Modeling.J. Comput.Sci.Technol.29(4):724-736(2014).

18.C. Chen,D.Zhang,B. Guo,X.Ma,G. Pan and Z. Wu.TripPlanner:Personalized Trip Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Digital Footprints.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportaion Systems(T-ITS),2014,accepted.(IF:3.45).

19.Dan Hao,Lingming Zhang,Lu Zhang,Gregg Rothermel,Hong Mei,A Unified Test-Case Prioritization Approach,ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,November,2014.

20.Xiaoyin Wang,Yingnong Dang,Lu Zhang,Dongmei Zhang,Erica Lan,and Hong Mei,"Predicting Consistency-Maintenance Requirement of Code Clones at Copy-and-Paste Time",IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,Vol.40,No.8,August 2014,pp.773-794.

21.Shi X,Lu W,Wang Z,Pan L,Cui G,Xu J.Programmable tile self-assembly with hierarchical DNA sub-tiles.Nanotechnology,Feb 21;25(7)(2014):075602.

22.Cheng Zhang,Jingjing Ma,Jing Yang,Yafei Dong and Jin Xu,Selective Control of Gold Nanoparticles based on Circular DNA Strand Displacement,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,418(2014),31-36.

23.Yanlei Wu,Yang Yang,Fei Jiang,ShuyuanJin,Jin Xu.Coritivity-based influence maximization in social networks,Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,416(2014):467-480.

24.Cheng Zhang,Jingjing tworks,Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,416(2014):467-480.Ma,Jing Yang,Yafei Dong,Jin Xu,Selective Control of Gold Nanoparticles based on Circular DNA Strand Displacement,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2014,418,31-36.

25.Yang Y,Jin S,Zuo Y,Jin Xu.Online Social Network Model Based on Local Preferential Attachment[M]//Web Technologies and Applications.Springer International Publishing,2014:35-46.

26.Zhang C,Ma J,Yang J,Jin Xu.Control of gold nanoparticles based on circular DNA strand displacement.Journal of colloid and interface,418(2014):31-36.

27.Mei Chen,Lu Zhang,Jin Xu. Distributed implementation of the genetic double-branch structure inEscherichia coli,Chinese Science Bulletin,59(33)(2014):4625-4630.


1.Zhengang Wu,Liangwen Yu,Huiping Sun, Zhi Guan,Zhong Chen:Cache-Aware Query Processing with User Privacy Protection in Location-Based Services.WAIM Workshops 2014.

2.Liangwen Yu,Yonggang Wang,Zhengang Wu,Jiawei Zhu,Jian-bin Hu,Zhong Chen:Edges Protection in Multiple Releases of Social Network Data.WAIM 2014:669-680.

3.Shaowei Cai,Chuan Luo,John Thornton,Kaile Su:Tailoring Local Search for Partial MaxSAT.AAAI 14 2014.

4.Chuan Luo,Shaowei Cai,Wei WU,Kaile Su:Double Configuration Checking in Stochastic Local Search for Satisfiability.AAAI 14 2014.

5.Zhiting Hu,Junjie Yao,and Bin Cui"User Group Oriented Temporal Dynamics Exploration"The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2014.

6.Jun Gao,Jiashuai Zhou,Chang Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu:GLog:A high level graph analysis system using MapReduce.ICDE 2014:544-555.

7.Jun Gao,Chang Zhou,Jiashuai Zhou,Jeffrey Xu Yu:Continuous pattem detection over billion-edge graph using distrbuted framework.ICDE 2014:556-567.

8.Jie Zhang,Junjie Chen,Dan Hao,YingfeiXiong,Bing Xie,LuZhang,Hong Mei,Search-Based Inference of Polynomial Metamorphic Relations,the 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(ASE2014),September,2014,pp.701-712.

9.Chu-Pan Wong,YingfeiXiong,Hongyu Zhang,Dan Hao,Lu Zhang,Hong Mei,Boosting Bug-Report-Oriented Fault Localization with Segmentation and Stack-Trace Analysis,the 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution(ICSM2014),28 September-30ctober,2014,pp.181-190.

10.Xiaogang Shi,Bin Cui,Gillian Dobbie,and Beng Chin Ooi"Towards Unified Ad-Hoc Data Processing"ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014.

11.Hongzhi Yin,Bin Cui,Ling Chen,Zhiting Hu,and Zi Huang"A Temporal Context-Aware Model for User Behavior Modeling in Social Media Systems"ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014.

12.Yinxia Shao,Lei Chen,and Bin Cui Efficient Cohesive Subgraph Detection in Parallel ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014.

13.Yinxia Shao,Bin Cui,Lei Chen,Lin Ma,Junjie Yao,and Ning Xu"Parallel Subgraph Listing in a Large-Scale Graph"ACM SIGMOD Conference 2014.

14.Jie Zhang Muyao Zhu,Dan Hao,and Lu Zhang,"An Empirical Study on the Scalability of Selective Mutation Testing",Proceedings of 25th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering(ISSRE 2014),3-6 November 2014,pp.277-287.

15.Haoyu Wang,Mengxin liu,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen,"Similarity-based Web Browser Optimization",The 23rd International World Wide Web Conference(WWW2014),Seoul,Korer,April 2014,pp575-584.

16.Xin Chen,Junjun Kong,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen,An Empirical Study of Indoor LocalizationAlgorithms with Densely Deployed APs,GlobeCom 14.

17.Yao Guo,Li zhang,and Xiangqun Chen.2014.Collaborative privacy management:mobile privacy beyond your own devices.In Proceedings of the ACM MobiCom Workshop on Security and privacy in mobile environments(SPME 14).ACM,New York,NY,USA,25-30.

18.Pengfei Yuan,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen.Experiences in Profile-Guided Operating System Kernel Optimizaiton.Proceedinggs of 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems(APSys2014),June 2014.

19.Lin Zhang,Mingxuan Yuan,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen and Lei Chen,protecting Location-related Privacy Collaboratively in Geo-Social Networks,COMPSAC 2014,pp.584-589.

20.Lin Zhang,Yao Guo,Xiangqun Chen,Weizhong Shao and Lei Chen,Classifications of Topic Evolutions in Scientific Conferences,The 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE 14),Vancouver,Canada,July2014,pp.507-510.

21.Jiaxin Zhu,Minghui Zhou,and Audris Mockus.Patterns of folder use and project popularity:a case study of github repositories.In Proceedibgs of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement(ESEM 14).ACM,New York,NY,USA,Article 30.

22.Minghui Zhou,Audris Mockus.Mining Micro-practices from Operational Data.FSE2014 Visions and Challenges Track.Nov 18-20.Hongkong,China.

23.Jialiang Xie,Qimu Zheng,Minghui Zhou,and Audris Mockus.2014.Product assignmment recommender.In CompanionProceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2014).June 1-7,2014,India.pp556-559.

24.Hao Wei,Shurui Zhou,Ting Yang,Rui Zhang,Qianxiang Wang,Elastic Resource Management for Heterogeneous Applications on PaaS,Internetware2014.

25.Qianxiang Wang,Wenxin Li,and Tao Xie.Educational Programming Systems for learning at Scale.In Proceedings of the Ist ACM Conference on Learning at Scale

26.Wenjing Yu,Wei Zhang,Haiyan Zhao and Zhi Jin,Proceedings of 18th International Software Product Line Conference(SPLC2014),Florence,Italy,September 15-19,2014.

27.Zhuoqun Yang,Zhi Li,Yunchuan Chen and Zhi Jin,A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements Modeling and Analysis for Self-adaptive Systems,Proceedings of 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering:Foundation for Software Quality(REFSQ2014),Essen,Germany,April 7-10,2014(18/89).

28.Lingxiao Zhang,Yanzhen Zou,Bing Xie,Zixiao Zhu.Recommending Relevant Projects via User Behaviour:An Exploratory Study on Github.Crowdsoft 14,November 16-22,2014,Hong Kong,China.

29.Ting Ye,Bing Xie,Yanzhen Zou,Xiuzhao Chen.Interrogative-Guided Re-Ranking for Question-Oriented Software Text Retrieval.Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated software engineering,pp.215-220.

30.Zixiao Zhu,Bing Xie,Yanzhen Zou,Yong Jin,Zeqi Lin,Lu Zhang.Mining API Usage Examples from Test Code.Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution(ICSME 2014),pp.301-310.

31.Wenjing Yu,Wei Zhang,Haiyan Zhao,Zhi Jin.TDL:A Transformation Description Language from Feature Model to Use Case for Automated Use Case Derivation.Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference,187-196,2014.

32.Yi Jiang,Wei Zhang,Haiyan Zhao.Stigmergy-Based Collaborative Conceptual Modeling.International Workshop on Requirements Engineering in the Global Context,co-Iocated with the 9th International Conference on Global Software Engineering,August 18-21,2014,Shanghai,China.

33.Jiangtao Wang,Yasha Wang,Hao Wang,PSAFactory:An End-User Programming Tool for Building Participatory sensing Applications,The 10th International Conference on Global Software Engineering(ICGSE),2014.

34.Hao Wang,Yasha Wang,and Jianggtao Wang,A Participant Recruitment Framework for Crowdsourcing Based Software Requirement Acquistion,The 10th International Conference on Global Software Engineering(ICGSE),2014.

35.Lin Zeqi,Zhao Junfeng,Xie Bing,AGraph Database Based Crowdsourcing Infrastructure for Modelling and Searching Code Structure.Internet Ware 14,November 16-22,2014,Hong Kong,China.

36.Hui Song,Xiaodong Zhang,Nicolas Ferry,Franck Chauvel,Arnor Solberg,and Gang Huang.Modelling Adaptation Policies as Domain-Specific Constraints.MoDELS2014.

37.Xiaodong Zhang,Mauricio Tsugawa,Ying Zhang,Hui Song,Chun Cao,Gang Huang,Jose Fortes.Towards Model-defined Cloud of Clouds.MoDELS 2014 Poster.

38.Yun Ma,Xuanzhe Liu,Shuhui Zhang and XuanLu.Characterizing Cache Usage for Mobile Web Applications.Internetware2014.

39.Xiaodong Zhang,Ying Zhang,Gang Huang.Smartrelationship:A VM Relationship Detection Framework for Cloud Management.Internetware2014.

40.Xiang Cui,Xiaowen Li,Yifeng Chen.Cross-Platform Parallel Programming in PARRAY:A Case Study.In proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing,2014.

41.Yifeng Chen,Xiang Cui,Hong Mei.Tiling:A New Language Mechanism for Heterogeneous Parallelism.In Proceeding of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP),2014.

42.Tianqi Zhao,Haiyan Zhao,Wei Zhang,and Zhi Jin,User Preference based Autonomic Generation of Self-adaptive Rules.Internetware2014.

43.Hanglong Zhan,Donggang Cao and Lianghuan Kang,DETS:a Dynamic and Elastic Task Scheduler Supporting Multiple Parallel Schemes,2014 IEEE Seventh International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering Workshop ofiVCE,2014.

44.Qianxiang Wang and Xuan Li,Bug Localization via Searching Crowd-Contributed Code,Internetware2014.

45.XiweiZhuang,Yanchun Sun,Kui Wei.A Smart Mobile Contact Recommender Based on Smart Phone Data.Internetware 2014.

46.Jiangtao Wang,Yasha Wang,HongruRen,Daqing Zhang,Situation Inference by Fusion of Opportunistically Available Contexts,The 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing(UIC 2014),2014.

47.Yang Yang,Zhi Guan,Jiawei Zhu,Qiuxing Dong,Zhong Chen:Accelerating AES in Java Script with WebGL.ICICS 2013:275-287.

48.Yang Yang,guan Zhi,Zhe Liu and Zhong Chen:Protecting Elliptic Curve Cryptography Against Memory Disclosure Attacks.ICICS 2014.

49.Huiping Sun,Shuaiying Guo,Ke Wang,Nan Qin,Zhong Chen:SlidePIN:Slide-Based PIN Entry Mechanism on a Smartphone.PASSWORDS 2014.

50.Zhenggang Wu,Liangwen Yu,Jiawei Zhu,Huiping Sun,Zhi Guan,Zhong Chen:Privacy Protection against Query Prediction in Location-Based Services.ATC2014.

51.Huihong He,Zhiyi Ma,Hongjie Chen,Dan Wu,and Weizhong Shao:A SLA-Driven Cache Optimization Approach for Multi-tenant Applicaton on PaaS.The 38th Annual International Computers,Software & Applicaions Conference(COMPSAC 2014)(Accepted).

52.Huihong He,Zhiyi Ma,Hongjie Chen,Chih-Yi Yeh,and Weizhong Shao:An Aspect-Oriented Approach to SLA-Driven Monitoring Multi-Tenant Cloud Application.IEEE International Conference on CLoud Computing(CLOUD2014).

53.Huihong He,Zhiyi Ma,Chen Hongjie and Weizhong Shao.How the Crwd Impacts Commercial Applications:A User-Oriented Approach.workshop on crowd-based software development method and technologies,2014.11.17HongKong.

54.He Xiao,Zhang Tian,Hu Changjun,Ma Zhiyi,Shao Weizhong.Randomized model generation for performance testing of model transformations.The 38th Annual International Computers,Software & Applications Conference(COMPSAC 14),pp.11-20.

55.Zhiyi Ma,Wei Zhang,Chih-Yi Yeh.Model-Driven Development of Diverse User Interfaces.ICSE Companion 14,May 31-June 7,2014,Hyderabad,India,pp.616-617.

56.Zhiyi Ma,Chih-Yeh,Huihong He,Hongjie Chen.A Web Based UML Modeling Tool with Touch Screens.ASE 2014 tool semo.

57.Yanchun Sun,Dejian Chen,Wenpin Jiao,Gang Huang.An Online Education Approach Using Web Operation Record and Replay Techniques.In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Computers,Software & Applications Conference(COMPSAC 14),pages:456-465.

58.Dejian Chen,Yanchun Sun,Kui Wei,ZijianQiao,Chao Xin.2014.Supporting Online Synchronous Education for Software Engineering via Web-based Operation Record and Replay.In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE 14),pages:528-533.

59.Xiwei Zhuang,Yanchun Sun,Kui Wei.SMoCoR:A Smart Mobile Contact Recommender Based on Smart Phone Data.In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Computers,Software & Applications Conference(COMPSAC 14),pages634-635,poster.

60.Yang Y,Jin S.Xu J.Social network model based on local preferential attachment.apweb2014,2014,07.

61.Jiang F,Jin S.Xu J.Detecting overlapping and hierarchical communities based on local influence in complex networks,asonam2014,2014,10.

62.Fei Jiang,Shuyuan Jin,Yanlei Wu,Jin Xu,A uniform framework forcommunity detection via influence maximization in social networks,Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining(ASONAM),2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on,vol,no,pp.27,32,17-20Aug.2014.


1.喻梁文,王永刚,胡建斌,陈钟:“数据多次发布的隐私保护研究进展”。[计算机应用研究] 2014年第12期。












1.林泽琦,赵俊峰,谢冰:“一种基于邮件列表的软件问答信息抽取方法”。NASAC 2014.


