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1.Lijiang Chen, Bin Cui and Hua Lu, Constrained Skyline Query Processing against Distributed Data Sites, IEEE Transaction on Data and Knowledge Engineering, 23(2): 204-217, 2011.

2.Yongzhi Cao, Guoqing Chen, and Etienne E. Kerre, Bisimulations for Fuzzy-Transition Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 19(3): 540-552, 2011

3.Shaowei Cai, Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Local search with edge weighting and configuration checking heuristics for DNA Computing Model for Vertex Coloring Problem. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOBIOSCIENCE, 10(2): 94-98, 2011.

4.Yao Guo, Pritish Narayanan, Mahmoud Bennaser, Saurabh Chheda, and Csaba Andras Moritz, Energy Efficient Hardware Data Prefetching, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 19(2): 250-263, 2011. minimum vertex cover, Artificial Intelligence, 175(9-10): 1672-1696, 2011.

5.Jin Xu, Xiaoli Qiang, Yan Yang et al.. An Unenumerative Minghui Zhou and Audris Mockus, Does the Initial Environment Impact the Future of Developers? 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering: 271-280, 2011.

6.Yanfei Lv, Bin Cui, Bingsheng He, Xuexuan Chen, Operation-Aware Buffer Management in Flash-based Systems, ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data: 13-24, 2011.

7.Jun Gao, Jeffery Yu Xu, Ruoming Jin, Jiashuai Zhou, Tengjiao Wang, and Dongqing Yang, Neighborhood-Privacy Protected Shortest Distance Computing in Cloud, ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data: 409-420, 2011.

8.Tian Liu, Xiaxiang Lin, Chaoyi Wang, Kaile Su, Ke Xu, Large Hinge Width on Sparse Random Hypergraphs. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 611-616, 2011.

9.Qian Wu, Guangtai Liang, Qianxiang Wang, Tao Xie, Hong Mei, Iterative Mining of Resource-Releasing Specifications, International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2011.


1.Yongzhi Cao and Yoshinori Ezawa, Comments on “State-feedback control of fuzzy discrete-event systems”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics, 41 (2011), 1170-1172.

2.Gang HUANG, Weihu WANG, Tiancheng LIU, Hong MEI. Simulation Based Analysis Of Middleware Service Impact On System Reliability: Experiment On Java Application Server. Journal of Systems and Software. 2011 84(7): 1160-1170.

3.Hong Mei, Xuanzhe Liu. Internetware: An Emerging Software Paradigm for Internet Computing. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 26(4): 588-599.

4.Wenpin Jiao. Using Autonomous Components to Improve Runtime Qualities of Software. IET Software, Vol.5, Issue 1, pages 1-20, February 2011.

5.Kedian Mu, Weiru Liu, Zhi Jin, Jun Hong, David Bell, Managing Software Requirements Changes Based On Negotiation-style Revision, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2011, 26(5): 890-907

6.Kedian Mu, Weiru Liu, Zhi Jin, David Bell, A Syntax-based Approach to Measuring the Degree of Inconsistency for Belief Bases, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2011,52(7): 978-999

7.Shichao Zhang, Zhi Jin and Xiaofeng Zhu, Missing data imputation by utilizing information within incomplete instances,The Journal of Systems and Software, 84(3): 452-459, 2011

8.Xiaofeng Zhu, Shichao Zhang, Zhi Jin, Zili Zhang, Zhuoming Xu: Missing Value Estimation for Mixed-Attribute Data Sets. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23(1): 110-121 (2011)

9.Chongyi Yuan, Yu Huang. A study on fairness of place/transition systems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2011, 33(1): 50–58.

10.Jin Xu, Xiaoli Qiang, Yan Yang et al.. An Unenumerative DNA Computing Model for Vertex Coloring Problem. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 10(2), 2011, 94-98.

11.Zhang Cheng, Yang Jing, Xu Jin. Molecular Logic Computing Model based on Self-Assembly of DNA Nanoparticles. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(33): 3566-3571.

12.Qian Wu, Guangtai Liang, Qianxiang Wang, Hong Mei, Mining Effective Temporal Specifications from Heterogeneous API Data, JCST, Vol. 26 No. 6.

13.Hui Song, Gang Huang, Franck Chauvel, Yingfei Xiong, Zhenjiang Hu, Yanchun Sun, Hong Mei, Supporting runtime software architecture: A bidirectional-transformation-based approach, Journal of Systems and Software, 84(5):711-723.

14.Liang Gu, Guangdong Bai, Yao Guo, Xiangqun Chen, Hong Mei, "Security Model Oriented Attestation on Dynamically Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems", Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, 2011. (Accepted)

15.Hui Liu, Zhendong Niu, Zhiyi Ma and Weizhong Shao, Suffix Tree-Based Approach to Detecting Duplications in Sequence Diagrams. IET Software, 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 4, pp. 385–397

16.Kedian Mu, Weiru Liu, ZhiJin, A general framework for measuring inconsistency through minimal inconsistent sets, Knowledge and Information Systems:An International Journal, 2011, 27(1): 85-114, 2011.

17.Lianshan Sun, Gang Huang. Towards Accuracy of Role-Based Access Control Configurations in Component-Based Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 57(3): 314-326 (2011)

18.Oluwasefunmi Arogundade, Adio Akinwale, Zhi Jin and Xiaoguang Yang, Vulnerability Analysis Approach to Capturing Information System Safety Threats and Requirements. International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, 5(4): 85-98, 2011

19.Yongzhi Cao, Guoqing Chen, and Etienne E. Kerre, Bisimulations for Fuzzy-Transition Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 19 (2011), 540-552.

20.Yao Guo, Pritish Narayanan, Mahmoud Abdullah Bennaser, Saurabh Chheda, and Csaba Andras Moritz, Energy-Efficient Hardware Data Prefetching, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. Vol 19 No 2, pp. 250-263, Feb 2011.

21.Shaowei Cai, Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Local search with edge weighting and configuration checking heuristics for minimum vertex cover, Artif. Intell. 175(9-10): 1672-1696 (2011) June 2011.

22.Hu Xiong, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen, Fagen Li, On the security of an identity based multi-proxy signature scheme, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 37(2): 129-135, March, 2011.

23.Hu Xiong, Zhong Chen, Zhigugang Qin, Efficient three-party authenticated key agreement protocol in Certificateless Cryptography, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88(13): 2707-2716, Taylor & Francis Press.

24.Hu Xiong, Zhi Guan, Zhong Chen, On the security of a pairing based signcryption scheme using self-certified public keys, International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 55-57, 2011, ACTA Press.

25.Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Cong Tang,Zhi Guan, Fengxian Ren, Zhong Chen, "A Novel Framework to Carry Out Cloud Penetration Test", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), Vol. 3, No. 3, 2011.

26.Hao Zhong, Lu Zhang, Tao Xie, and Hong Mei, “Inferring Specifications for Resources from API Documentation in Natural Languages,” Automated Software Engineering: An International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3-4, 2011, pp. 227-261.

27.Hongyu Zhang, Hee Beng Kuan Tan, Lu Zhang, Xi Lin, Xiaoyin Wang, Chun Zhang, Hong Mei, “Checking Enforcement of Integrity Constraints in Database Applications Based on Code Patterns,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 84, No. 12, 2011, pp. 2253-2264.


1.Zhao Wang, Li Yu, Hua Yu, Weishan Lu, Fei Ji. MAC Degin in MIMO Ad Hoc Networks Based on Three Types of CTS Packets:IMCCC2011:The First International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control. Beijing, China .October 21-23, 2011[C]. pp.800-803.

2.Li Zhang, Zhao Wang, Zhong Chen. P2PAV:ANTI-VIRUS Through P2P:ICOEIS2011: 2011 International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Information Science.Xi’an,Shaanxi.December 23-25, 2011[C].pp2818-2820.

3.Zhao Wang, Chao Zhang, Zhong Chen. Moving Target Localization Based on Multi-sensor Distance Estimation:ICPECC2011: 2011 International Conference on Pervasive, Embedded Computing and Communication , Hong Kong, December 12-13, 2011

4.Heng Liu, Hongbing Wang, Zhao Wang ,Zhong Chen and Qi Jing. FatPET: an Attack Tree-based framework of Penetration Tests in Distributed Environment: IWFCN 2011:2011 International Workshop on Future Communication and Network,Hong Kong, December 12-13, 2011

5.Yizhan Yao, Zhao Wang, Zhong Chen,Xuesong zhang, Qi Jing.Icloud: Identifying Faulty Cloudlets in Cloud Services: ICACTE 2011:2011 4th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering,Dubai, UAE. December 28-30, 2011

6.Zhao Wang,the Research on Teaching Ideas of "Data Structure and Algorithm" in Non-computer Major :CSE2011: 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Education , Wuhan,China ,November 26-27,2011

7.Hui Song, Gang Huang, Franck Chauvel, Wei Zhang, Yanchun Sun, Weizhong Shao, Hong Mei, Instant and Incremental QVT Transformation for Runtime Models. Proceedings of International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2011), pp. 273-288.

8.Ying Zhang, Gang Huang, Xuanzhe Liu, Zizhan Zheng, Hong Mei. Tuning Adaptive Computations for Business Performance Improvement of Autonomic Middleware. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), pp 732-733.

9.Xuanzhe Liu, Qi Zhao, Gang Huang, Hong Mei, Composing Data-Driven Service Mashups with Tag-based Semantic Annotations. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2011), pp 243-250.

10.Gang Huang, Yihan Wu, Towards Architecture-Level Middleware-Enabled Exception Handling of Component-based Systems.International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering, 2011, pp 159-168.

11.Lei Zhang, Yanchun Sun, Yuehui Peng, Xiaofeng Cui, Hong Mei. Towards Quality Based Solution Recommendation in Decision-Centric Architecture Design. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2011

12.Lei Zhang, Yanchun Sun, Hui Song, Franck Chauvel, Hong Mei. Detecting Architecture Erosion by Design Decision of Architectural Pattern. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2011

13.Xuanzhe Liu, Ning Jiang, Qi Zhao, Gang Huang. iSocialMash: Convergence of Services Computing and Social Networks on a Mashup Middleware. Proceedings of International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. 2011.

14.Gang HUANG, Daimeng WANG. Adapting User Interface of Service-Oriented Rich Client to Mobile Phones, SOSE 2011.

15.Yanchun Sun. The Challenge and Practice of Creating Software Engineering Curriculum. Proceedings of the 24th IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Hawaii, USA, May 22-24, 2011.

16.Tingxun Shi, Jianzhu Ma, Wenpin Jiao, and Fanjing Meng. An Empirical Study on the Impacts of Autonomy of Components on Qualities of Software Systems. 8th IEEE Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (EASe), Las Vegas, Nevada, on 27-29 April 2011.

17.Kedian Mu, Weiru Liu, Zhi Jin, An Approach to Generating Proposals for Handling Inconsistent Software Requirements, The 2011 International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Irvine, California, USA. December 12-14, 2011.

18.Bo Wei, Zhi Jin and Didar Zowghi. A Decidable Reasoning Mechanism for NFR Goal Models, Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Xi'an, China, August 29 - 31, 2011

19.Lin Liu, Zhi Jin, Ruqian Lu, Hongji Yang: Agent-Oriented Requirements Analysis from Scenarios, Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, Proceedings of 5th KES International Conference, KES-AMSTA 2011, Manchester, UK, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6682: 394-405, Springer 2011

20.Ge Li, Zhi Jin, Yan Xu, Yangyang Lu, An Engineerable Ontology Based Approach for Requirements Elicitation in Process Centered Problem Domain, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM2011), University of California, Irvine, USA.

21.Ge Li, An Ontology based Method for Building Understandable Hierarchical Classification Structure for Software Assets Browsing, 23 International Conferenceon Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2011), Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel Miami Beach, USA, July 6-9, 2011.

22.Xin W, Yang T, Tang C, Hu J, Chen Z (2011) A Distance Bounding Protocol Using Error State and Punishment. In: 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (ICIMCCC 2011) pp. 436-p440.

23.Gaoxin, Hu Wenhui, Ye Wei, Data Uncertainty Model for Mashup. International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge, 2011, p 503

24.Lijie Wang, Lu Fang, Leye Wang, Ge Li, Bing Xie, Fuqing Yang, APIExample: An Effective Web Search Based Usage Example Recommendation System for Java APIs, Proceedings of 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, 2011.

25.Lixing Li, Zhi Jin and Ge Li, A Process Algebra for Environment-based Specification of Web Services, Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, (SOSE2011):286-298,2011.

26.W. Jiang, T. Liu, T. Ren, K. Xu: Two Hardness Results on Feedback Vertex Sets. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 5th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop and the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects of Information and Management (FAW-AAIM 2011), LNCS 6681, 233-243, Springer, May 2011.

27.T. Liu, X. Lin, C. Wang, K. Su, K. Xu: Large Hinge Width on Sparse Random Hypergraphs. Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), 611-616, AAAI Press, July 2011.

28.W. Jiang, T. Liu, K. Xu: Tractable Feedback Vertex Sets in Restricted Bipartite Graphs. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2011), LNCS 6831, 424-434, Springer, August 2011.

29.P. Cui, T. Liu, K. Xu: On Unique Games with Negative Weights. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2011), LNCS 6831, 480-490, Springer, August 2011.

30.C. Wang, T. Liu, P. Cui, K. Xu: A Note on Treewidth in Random Graphs. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2011), LNCS 6831, 491-499, Springer, August 2011.

31.Jinan Sun, Yu Huang, etc. A Novel Method for Formally Detecting RFID Event Using Petri Nets. SEKE 2011, 122-126.

32.Fei Li, Jin Xu, Zheng Li. DNA Computing Model Based on Photoelectric Detection System. Proceedings of 2011 sixth international conference on bio-inspired computing: theories and applications. 2011, Penang, Malaysia

33.Meng Li, Junfeng Zhao, Lijie Wang, Sibo Cai, and Bing Xie. CoWS: An Internet-Enriched and Quality-Aware Web Services Search Engine. IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), pp.419-427, 2011

34.ZHANG Changyou, HUANG Kun, CUI Xiang, CHEN Yifeng. Programming-Oriented Power Measuring for GPUs Cluster. Proceeding of GreenCom 2011- ACM / IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications. August 4-5, 2011. Chengdu, China.

35.ZHANG Changyou, CAO Yuanda, CHEN Yifeng. A Simulation Method for Web Service Composition under Dynamic Delay Constraints. The 2011 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Invited Participation), March 19 - 23, 2011 • Hangzhou, China

36.ZHANG Changyou, SHAO Lixiang and etal. A Method of Web Service Content Auto-Generating based on AIS. The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA2011), 29-30 December, 2011 Sanya, China

37.Qian Wu, Guangtai Liang, Qianxiang Wang, Tao Xie, Hong Mei, Iterative Mining of Resource-Releasing Specifications, in International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2011.

38.Hao Wei, Jin Shao, Haiwen Liu, Qianxiang Wang, Hong Mei, A Self-management framework for PaaS Platforms, in the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2011).

39.Jin Shao, Qianxiang Wang,A Performance Guarantee Approach for Cloud Applications Based on Monitoring, The 8th International Workshop on Software Cybernetics (IWSC 2011).

40.Fang Deng, Haiwen Liu, Jin Shao, Qianxiang Wang,Specification and Runtime Verification of API Constraints on Interacting Objects, SEKE 2011.

41.Cong Sun, Liyong Tang, Zhong Chen. Enforcing Reactive Noninterference with Reachability Analysis,ITNG’11: 8th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations.

42.Cong Tang, Yonggang Wang, Hu Xiong, Tao Yang, Jian-bin Hu, Qingni Shen, Zhong Chen. "Need for Symmetry: Addressing Privacy Risks in Online Social Networks". AINA 2011: 534-541.

43.Xia Zhao, Yao Guo, Qing Feng, and Xiangqun Chen. "A system context-aware approach for battery lifetime prediction in smart phones", In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '11), pp 641-646, Taiwan, 2011.

44.Ennan Zhai, Yonggang Wang, Qingni Shen, Sihan Qing, SecGuard: Secure and Practical Integrity Protection Model for Operating Systems, 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb).

45.Minghui Zhou and Audris Mockus, Does the Initial Environment Impact the Future of Developers? 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2011, pp. 271-280.

46.Xiaowei Zhang, Donggang Cao, Hong Mei, Towards Balancing Determinism, Memory Consumption and Throughput for RTSJ-Based Real-Time Applications, 11th International Conference on Quality Software(QSIC 2011)

47.Zan Xiao, Donggang Cao, Chao You, Hong Mei, A Policy-based Framework for Automated Service Level Agreement Negotiation,IEEE International Conference on Web Service (ICWS'11), 2011 July, 2011 pp.682-689

48.Zan Xiao, Donggang Cao, Chao You, Hong Mei,Towards a Constraint-based Framework for Dynamic Business Process Adaptation, IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'11), July 2011 pp.685-692

49.Yang Yuan, Yao Guo, "CMCD: Count Matrix based Clone Detection", In Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'2011), Vietnam, December 2011.

50.Junyang Lu, Yao Guo, "Energy-Aware Fixed-Priority Multi-core Scheduling for Real-Time Systems", in the 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'11), Toyama, Japan, August 2011.

51.Yao Guo, Lin Zhang, Junjun Kong, Jian Sun, Tao Feng, Xiangqun Chen, "Jupiter: Transparent Augmentation of Smartphone Capabilities through Cloud Computing", Mobiheld’11 co-located with SOSP’11, October 2011.

52.Sibo Cai, Yanzhen Zou, Lijie Wang, Bing Xie, Weizhong Shao. Recommending Component by Citation: A Semi-supervised Approach for Determination.In Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE). pp.489-494. 2011.

53.He Xiao, MaZhiyi, Liu Yi, Chen Hongjie, Shao Weizhong. VisTML: a Visual Modeling Language for Model Transformation. APSEC'11. 2011.

54.Yi Liu, Zhiyi Ma, Hui Liu, XiaoHe, Weizhong Shao.A Pattern-based Approach to Integrating Non-Functional Requirements into Software Architecture. The Third Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware 2011).

55.Wei Zhang, Haiyan Zhao, Hong Mei: Towards a More Fundamental Explanation of Constraints in Feature Models: A Requirement-Oriented Approach. 12th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR’11), pp.36-51, 2011.

56.Cong Tang, Keith Ross, Nitesh Saxena, Ruichuan Chen. "What's in a Name: A Study of Names, Gender Inference, and Gender Behavior in Facebook", in Workshop on Social Networks and Social Media Mining on theWeb (SNSMW 2011). Hong Kong, 2011.

57.Song Luo, Yu Chen, Jianbin Hu and Zhong Chen. "New Fully Secure Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts", in Proceedings of The 7th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (ISPEC 2011), Guangzhou, China, LNCS 6672, pp.55-70, May. 2011.

58.Cong Sun, Liyong Tang, and Zhong Chen. A New Enforcement on Declassification with Reachability Analysis. in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011) workshops. IEEE Communication Society, 2011, pp.1041-1046

59.Cong Sun, Liyong Tang, and Zhong Chen. Enforcing Relaxed Declassifications with Reference Points. in ICIS'11: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science. IEEE Computer Society, 2011

60.Cong Sun, Liyong Tang, and Zhong Chen. Enforcing Reactive Noninerference with Reachability Analysis, in ITNG'11: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations. IEEE Computer Society, 2011.

61.Wei Zhang, Haiyan Zhao, and Hong Mei, Binary-Search Based Verification of Feature Models, 12th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR’11), pp.4-19, 2011.

62.Sibo Cai, Yanzhen Zou, Lijie Wang, Bing Xie, and Weizhong Shao, A Semi-supervised Approach for Component Recommendation Based on Citations, ICSR 2011.

63.Lu Fang, Junfeng Zhao, and Lingshuang Shao,A Context-aware Selection Mechanism for Prediction Algorithms in Web Service QoS Prediction,The 2nd International Workshop on Software Trustworthiness (SoTrust 2011)

64.Meng Li, Jing Jin, and Junfeng Zhao,A Propositional Logic-Based and Evidence-Rich Web Services Trustworthiness Evaluation Framework,The 2nd International Workshop on Software Trustworthiness (SoTrust 2011)

65.Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Tao Yang, Zhi Guan, Nike Gui, Zhong Chen, "Produre: A Novel Proximity Discovery Mechanism in Location Tagging System", 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS), June 2011.

66.Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Cong Tang, Zhong Chen, "Meeting Challenges in Automatic Network Penetration Testing", International Conference on Computers, Communications,Control and Automation (CCCA), Feb. 2011.

67.Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Cong Tang, Zhi Guan, Zhong Chen, "FPTC: A Framework for Penetration Test in the Cloud", 3rd International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC), April 2011.

68.Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Wei Xin, Zhaojun Wang, Zhong Chen, "A Novel Cross-domain Transfer Mechanism of Secret Data", Computer Applications and Software,August 2011.

69.Liqun Chen, Yu Chen. The n-Diffie-Hellman Problem and Its Applications. Information Security,14th International Conference, ISC 2011, LNCS 7001, pp.119-134, Xi’an, China, Oct. 2011.

70.Yu Chen, Song Luo, Zhong Chen. A New Leakage-Resilient IBE Scheme in the Relative Leakage Model. 25th Annual WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, DBSec 2011,LNCS 6818, pp.263-270, Richmond, VA, USA, July 2011.

71.Yu Chen, Song Luo, Jianbin, Zhong Chen. A Novel Commutative Blinding Identity Based EncryptionScheme. 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations & Practice of Security, FPS 2011,LNCS 6888, pp. 73-88, Paris, France, May. 2011.

72.Yu Chen, Liqun Chen, Zhong Chen. Generic Methods to Achieve Tighter Security Reductions for a Category of IBE Schemes. The 7th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference, ISPEC2011, LNCS 6672, pp.40-54, Guangzhou, China, May. 2011.

73.Jianbin Hu, Hu Xiong, Zhi Guan, et al., Yet Another Certificateless three-party authenticated key agreement protocol, 9th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops (ISPA 2011), pp. 222-226, IEEE Press, 2011.

74.Hu Xiong, Qianhong Wu, Zhong Chen, Toward Pairing-Free Certificateless Authenticated Key Exchanges, 14th Information Security Conference (ISC 2011), LNCS 7001, pp. 79–94, Springer , 2011.

75.Hu Xiong, Qianhong Wu, Zhong Chen, Strong Security Enabled Certificateless Aggregate Signatures Applicable to Mobile Computation, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2011)

76.Kong R, Wang Y, Xin W, Yang T, Hu J, Chen Z (2011) Customer Reviews for Individual Product Feature-based Ranking. In: 2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control(ICIMCCC 2011) pp. p449-p453.

77.Wei Xin,Yonggang Wang,Tao Yang,Hu Xiong,Huiping Sun,Jianbin Hu,Zhong Chen, A Distance Bounding Protocal Using Error State and Punishment,The first International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement,Computer,Communication and Control(IMCCC2011)

78.Tao Yang, Cong Tang, Liangwen Yu, Wei Xin, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen, VLSP:Enabling Location Privacy in Vehicular Location based Services, The first International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC2011)

79.Longzhi Du, Rui Kong, Fengxian Ren, Jianbin Hu, Zhong Chen, Practical Privacy in Online Social Network, The first International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC2011).

80.Wei Xin, Cong Tang, Hu Xiong, Yonggang Wang, Huiping Sun, Zhi Guan, Zhong Chen, "MEED: A Memory-efficient Distance Bounding Protocol with Error Detection", Workshop on RFID Security Asia (RFIDsec Asia), April 2011.

81.Jianbin Hu, Cong Tang, Yonggang Wang, Wei Xin, Zhong Chen, "PRESS: Privacy-Preserving Encounter-based Social Services using Low-Cost RFID", International Conference on Computers, Communications,Control and Automation (CCCA), Feb. 2011.

82.Jianbin Hu, Chao Qin, Erjia Zhou, Cong Tang, Hongbo Hu, Zhong Chen, Bring Privacy toWearable RFID-based Location-Sharing Services, APWCS 2011, Mar 2011.

83.Zhi Guan, Hu Xiong, Suke Li, Zhong Chen, Mobile Browser As a Second Factor For Web Authentication. ISPA 2011.

84.Tao Yang, Hu Xiong, Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Yong Deng, Biao Xiao, and Zhong Chen, "A Traceable Certificateless Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings", 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb), April 2011.

85.Tao Yang, Hu Xiong, Jianbin Hu, Yonggang Wang, Wei Xin, Yong Deng, and Zhong Chen, "A traceable privacy-preserving authentication protocol for VANETs based on proxy re-signature". In: Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2011. IEEE. pp. 2217-2221.

86.Xiaohong Chen, Jing Liu, Mallet Frederic and Zhi Jin, Modeling Timing Requirements in Problem Frames Using CCSL, Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011), December, 2011

87.Zhi Jin and Hong Zhu, Unifying Domain Ontology with Agent-Oriented Modeling of Services, Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2011): 31-42, 2011

88.Bo Wei and Zhi Jin, Characterizing the Implementation of Software Non-Functional Requirements from Probabilistic Perspective, Proceedings of 35th Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2011): 608 - 609, 18-22 July 2011.

89.Bo Wei, Bin Yin, Zhi Jin, Didar Zowghi: rΣ: Automated reasoning tool fornon-functional requirement goal models. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE 2011): 337-338, Trento, Italy, 2011

90.Yitao Ni, Lu Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Tao Xie, and Hong Mei, “Detecting Concurrency-Related Problematic Activity Arrangement in WS-BPEL Programs,” Proceedings of IEEE Service Computing Conference (SCC 2011), 4-7 July, 2011, pp. 209-217.

91.Lingming Zhang, Darko Marinov, Lu Zhang and Sarfraz Khurshid, “An Empirical Study of JUnit Test-Suite Reduction,” Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2011), 29 November – 2 December 2011, pp. 170-179.


1.王昭. 信息技术学科密码学教学思路探讨[J].计算机教育,2011(2):42-45




5.陈小红,金芝,尹斌,从交互情景出发的需求捕获方法及其支撑工具,计算机学报,34(2): 329-341,2011年

6.陈小红,尹斌,金芝,基于问题框架方法的需求建模:一个本体制导的方法,软件学报, 22(2): 177-194,2011

7.王立杰, 李萌, 蔡斯博, 李戈, 谢冰, 杨芙清, 一种基于网络信息搜索的WebService文本描述信息扩充方法, 软件学报, 2011.


9.梁广泰, 孟娜, 李进辉, 钟浩, 王千祥, 张路,梅宏,一个半自动化扩展的静态程序缺陷查找工具,《计算机学报》, 2011.8。

10.张晓薇, 曹东刚, 陈向群, 梅宏, 一种网络化移动应用部署方案优化方法, 软件学报, 2011-12

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4.刘昌盛,李萌,邹艳珍,谢冰. 一种基于Internet的JAR包使用信息收集方法. 全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC),2010年,苏州,中国.

5.王波,赵海燕,张伟,金芝,梅宏,问题驱动的需求捕获方法中协同式问题分析与解决技术研究, 2nd CCF-SIGRE Workshop onRequirements Engineering